Making global headlines

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  1. Introduction
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Kylie Taylor
3 years ago・2 min read

Following on from our announcement about our partnership with Bombora which saw them invest AU$10 million, alongside our subsequent plans for expansion, we’ve been pretty chuffed (to steal a common Kiwi expression) to see the level of media interest in 90 Seconds.

We’ve always considered ourselves a global business – founded in New Zealand, led by a predominantly Kiwi leadership team, and now based in Singapore, it would be easy to assume our reach doesn’t extend past Asia Pacific. But this is far from the case. Working with over 4,000 of the world’s biggest brands, alongside 13,800 esteemed global creative professionals, with a touchpoint in over 160 countries, it has been a proud week here at 90 Seconds with – as one journalist put it – our ‘aggressive plans for growth’ dominating media headlines.

From New Zealand and Australia to Singapore and the entirety of South East Asia, media have taken interest in our story. The story of how 90 Seconds – to borrow from another journalist – is “one of a few ‘gig economy’ companies established by New Zealanders that have found success on the world stage.” News of our vision of creating the world’s leading cloud video production platform – a vision now well within our reach – has reached a global audience of over 102,353,500 to be precise!

If you missed our news, you can catch up here, but with several acquisitions within the final stages and our plans for global expansion well underway, expect to hear more from us very soon. Rest assured though, we won’t get too big for our boots – at the end of the day, we’re a customer-centric business and always will be. Our focus will be on investments and improvements so we can continue to enable our 4,000 customers to create campaigns they can be proud of, empowered by the very best service and powered on a best-in-class platform. Watch this space.