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The Coronavirus situation continues to evolve globally and the demand for video content is increasing as more people are at home and online. To help you adapt quickly to new consumption trends – while also understanding the changing landscape of government regulations – we launched an interactive video production locations map.
We looked at the aggregate data in our platform and turned to our network of over 12,000 video creators across 900 cities and 160 countries to show you which video production locations are open.
Several locations in Asia, including Hong Kong, Japan and China, and the EU, such as UK, Germany, and Denmark have already started to end lockdowns. This means it’s becoming easier to create new content there.
Need original video content but your country is still on lockdown?
The map shows neighboring countries that are open, which is a great secondary option for brands. We have an active network of local video creators that can find and match the environment and talent that you are looking for. As always, remote video shoots can easily be managed through our platform from your home office.
Another viable production alternative would be Virtual Events. As the name suggests, Virtual Events are events where attendees and organizers communicate and interact in a virtual environment.
With Virtual Events, you stay connected with your audience and clients. From Virtual Conferences, Product Launches to Town Halls, you can produce either live stream videos or pre-recorded video footage to share your message from anywhere in the world to your global audience.
Thinking of producing a Virtual Event? Check out our highly scalable and customizable solution packages here.
You can also take a closer look at the US on the interactive video production locations map by clicking between the Global and US tab options on the top right. The US locations map was last updated on October 2020.
Do you have a specific country in mind? You can type the country name directly in the empty field on the right, or scroll down the full list to view.
China’s Coronavirus restrictions vary between provinces. Travel restrictions and quarantine arrangements also remain for travel between different parts of the country. Residents are required to use approved health apps to record their travel history.
On January 12, 2021, areas surrounding Beijing were placed under lockdown following a rise in new infections. Some larger film productions have resumed with all involved to abide by strict safety and health protocols.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February 18, Hong Kong commenced easing of its social distancing restrictions following a fall in cases. Dining hours have been extended and sports and entertainment facilities have started reopening. Masks are also mandatory in both indoor and outdoor public spaces. TV production has also resumed with safety work practices in place.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, India began tightening social distancing restrictions following a rise in cases, of which will differ in each state. This includes cities such as Mumbai, Nagpur, and Amravati. Face masks are mandatory when out in public spaces. Film production has resumed with all involved to abide by safety guidelines.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
We can offer remote video shoots in a range of other Asian locations! Check them out here.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of January 31, Jakarta continues the easing of its restrictions. Wearing a face mask remains mandatory. Essential services are available but public activities such as religious activities and social gatherings remain restricted. Film production has resumed with all crew to abide by public protocols restrictions.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
Japan has declared a State of Emergency across several prefectures including Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, and Fukuoka to last till at least March 7. Social restrictions differ in each local prefecture and mask wearing when in public is strongly encouraged. Film production has resumed with all crew involved to abide by public health guidelines.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
Most businesses have resumed operations. On August 12, 2020, Macao began issuing tourist visas. Under these guidelines, video production is possible.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
Malaysia has declared a state of emergency across the country till August 1, 2021. Face masks remain mandatory and interstate travel is banned. Restrictions are tightened in states and territories like Johor and Kuala Lumpur as the nation’s Movement Control Order is extended till March 31. Film production has resumed with all crew involved to abide by safety guidelines.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, Yangon remains under a ‘Stay at Home’ order whereby residents are only permitted to leave their households for essential services and supplies. Film production has resumed with all crew involved to abide by the Ministry’s public health protocols and industry guidelines.
Face masks are now mandatory when out in public spaces.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, social restrictions continue to differ in each local province and mask wearing is mandatory when onboard public transport. Metro Manila is currently subject to a curfew from midnight-4am with the exception of Navotas City which has curfew hours of 8pm-4am. Film production has resumed with all crew involved to abide by public health protocols.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February 18, Singapore remains in its third phase of reopening. Gathering sizes are restricted to 8 individuals only. Masks are mandatory in both indoor and outdoor public spaces. Film production has resumed with all involved to abide by state-issued safety rules.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
We can offer remote video shoots in a range of other Southeast Asian locations! Check out all of our video shoot locations.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, social distancing restrictions remain at level 2 in the Seoul metropolitan area which includes Seoul and Incheon. Restrictions in other local metropolitan cities and provinces differ accordingly as well.
Masks are now mandatory in public facilities as well. Film production has resumed with all crew involved to abide by public health protocols.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, social distancing restrictions remain in several local areas of Sri Lanka after having being identified as ‘high risk’. These include areas in Colombo, Ampara, and Kalutara. Face masks are mandatory when out in public spaces. Video production has resumed with all involved to abide by public health protocols and industry guidelines.
Face masks are mandatory when out in public spaces.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, face masks are mandatory when in public venues such as healthcare facilities, offices, and entertainment venues, as well as when onboard public transport services. TV and film production have also resumed with all cast and crew involved to abide by safety protocols.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
Thailand has extended its emergency decree till February 28, 2021. Residents are not to hoard essential goods or enter high-risk areas. Most public services have reopened with social distancing measures in place. Film production has resumed with all crew involved to abide by public health protocols.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of December 10, Vietnam reviewed the tightening of restrictions after cases of local community transmissions. Social distancing measures and lockdowns are not statewide and differ in each city and province. Travel restrictions within Vietnam are also in place.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of 14 February 2021, Coronavirus restrictions have been lifted with no restrictions on gathering size in one’s home. Non-essential services such as barbers and tanning salons have been allowed to reopen in the ACT. In terms of interstate travel, all are welcome to enter the ACT though visitors from South Australia would have to complete an online declaration.
Film production has been allowed to resume in Australia with safety and health guidelines put in place.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
We can offer remote video shoots in a range of other Australian locations!
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of 4 February 2020, Coronavirus restrictions have been further eased with no restrictions on gathering size so long as one is able to conduct physical social distancing. Businesses such as restaurants and pubs are allowed to reopen if they have a COVID plan. In terms of interstate travel, all are welcome to enter the Northern Territory by declaring that they have not been in a COVID-19 hotspot in the last 14 days.
Film production has been allowed to resume in Australia with safety and health guidelines put in place.
This information was up to date as of time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of 24 February 2021, Coronavirus restrictions have been further eased with gatherings restricted to 50 people. Dining in is allowed with all diners to submit their personal details in case of contact tracing. In terms of interstate travel, all are welcome to enter the NSW though visitors from South Australia would have to complete an online declaration.
Film production has been allowed to resume in Australia with safety and health guidelines put in place.
This information was up to date as of time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of 17 February 2021, Coronavirus restrictions have been further eased with home visits restricted to 5 persons and outdoor gatherings restricted to 20 people. Dining in is allowed whereby venues are capped subject to a density rule of one person per 2 sq m. In terms of interstate travel, all Australians wishing to enter Victoria would require a permit under the “traffic-light” permit system.
Film production has been allowed to resume in Australia with safety and health guidelines put in place.
This information was up to date as of time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of 1 April, the “three-day” lockdown in Brisbane was lifted and some restrictions introduced for the lockdown will be maintained temporarily. Home gatherings are limited to 30 people statewide. Businesses and churches can open but the venues are capped subject to a density rule of one person per 2 sq m. In terms of interstate travel, the Queensland border is open to all states and territories.
Film production is unrestricted although clean, safe shoot rules are in place across states. State of Queensland has lifted the lockdown as of April 1 though some restrictions remain in place.
Film production has been allowed to resume in Australia with safety and health guidelines put in place.
This information was up to date as of time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of 10 December 2020, following a recent spike in cases, Coronavirus restrictions have been tightened with home gatherings restricted to 10 people. Dining in is capped at 100 people per venue with density requirements of one person per 4 sq m total. In terms of interstate travel, several states have closed their borders to South Australians so do check on your eligibility before travel. These states include the ACT, NSW, Northern Territory, Queensland, Tasmania, Western Australia, and Victoria.
Film production has been allowed to resume in Australia with safety and health guidelines put in place.
This information was up to date as of time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of 10 December 2020, Coronavirus restrictions have been further eased with home gatherings restricted to 40 people. Dining in is allowed so long as restaurants, cafes, and pubs abide by density requirements of no more than one person every 2 sq m. In terms of interstate travel, the Tasmania border is open to all other states so long as travelers register via the Tas e-Travel system at least 3 days before entering the state. Travelers who’ve spent time in the past 14 days in a low-risk area don’t need to quarantine on arrival. These areas are the ACT, NSW, Northern Territory, Queensland, Tasmania, Western Australia and Victoria.
Film production has been allowed to resume in Australia with safety and health guidelines put in place.
This information was up to date as of time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
We can offer remote video shoots in a range of other Australian locations! You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of 20 April 2020, there are no restrictions in New Zealand and film production has resumed. New Zealand has also started a travel bubble with Australia whereby residents from both countries are allowed quarantine-free travels.
This information was up to date as of time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, Albania’s night time curfew from 8pm to 6am remains in effect. Face masks are also now mandatory when in public spaces. Businesses, hotels, and restaurants are open with some restrictive measures. Albania’s international borders were opened on July 1, 2020.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
On February 8, Austria lifted its lockdown though a night time curfew has been imposed in its place. Cafes and bars remain closed and masks are also mandatory in public spaces. Film production has resumed with all cast and crew to abide by safety protocols as set by the Vienna Film Commission.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, Belgium has imposed a curfew in certain local regions. This includes a 10pm to 6am curfew in Brussels and Wallonia. Masks are also mandatory in all public spaces and when in shops. Shops are allowed to open but shopping must be done individually for a maximum of 30 minutes only.
Film and video production has resumed with cast and crew to follow the most recent set of social distancing and sanitation guidelines. This includes pre- and post-production works to take place remotely whenever possible.
Face masks are mandatory in both indoor and outdoor public spaces.
This information was up to date as of time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
On February 14, Czech Republic extended its State of Emergency till February 28 with a night-time curfew from 9pm – 5am. Cultural venues such as museums and galleries remain closed and a maximum of 2 individuals are allowed to gather in public settings.
Film production has resumed with all involved to abide by safety protocols as set by the Czech Film Commission. This includes regular disinfection of equipment, costumes, and location sets.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, national restrictions remain in effect. Non-essential establishments such as bars, clubs, libraries, and theatres remain closed. Masks are mandatory in public spaces and when onboard public transport. Film production has resumed with health guidelines and safety protocols put in place.
This information was up to date as of time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
Restrictions in Finland differ in each region according to the local situation there. In Helsinki, gatherings are limited to 6 individuals in public spaces and restaurants are to close by 11pm. Film production has resumed with cast and crew to abide by health measures and safety protocols.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
We can offer remote video shoots in a range of other European locations!
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
On January 16, France imposed a 6pm to 6am curfew in its metropolitan area. Selected restrictions differ in each local region as well. This includes an extension of a 6pm to 6am curfew in the regions of Allier, Vaucluse, Cher, Côte d’Or, Hautes-Alpes, Alpes-Maritimes, and Ardennes. Masks remain mandatory.
Should the situation continue to worsen and the country reverts back to a lockdown, it is unlikely that film production will be allowed to commence.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, Germany has tightened restrictions which would last until at least March 7. Non-essential services like theatres, bars, and discos remain closed. In certain parts of Germany, residents are not allowed to travel further than a 15km radius from their place of residence. Film production has resumed with all involved to abide by health guidelines and safety protocols.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
Greece has introduced lockdown restrictions according to the spread of the virus in the municipality or region. As of February, Athens remains under a 9pm to 5am curfew on weekdays with certain businesses allowed to reopen at specific timings. This includes supermarkets, pet stores, and pharmacies. Film production has resumed with all involved to abide by safety protocols as set by the Hellenic Film Commission.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, Hungary remains in a nationwide curfew from 8pm to 5am which would last until at least March 1. Masks are mandatory onboard public transport and in public spaces.
As of June 12, film production has resumed with cast and crew to abide by safety protocols as set by the National Film Institute Hungary. This includes each crew member and participant submitting a written declaration of health before the start of production.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
On February 8, Iceland updated its social distancing restrictions which would remain in effect till March 3. This includes a gathering limit of 20 individuals in indoor and outdoor spaces, though it does not apply to individuals of the same household.
Film production has resumed with all cast and crew to abide by safety procedures as set by The Directorate of Health. This includes keeping crew size to a minimum with cast and crew being only present for scenes and tasks they are directly involved in.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
On February 23, Ireland commenced its Level 5 restrictions which would last until at least April 5. Non-essential services and establishments such as theatres and galleries remain closed. Audio-visual production is permitted to resume at Level 5, with cast and crew to abide by health guidelines and safety protocols.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, Italy remains under a night-time curfew from 10pm to 5am and public transport operation services remain at 50% capacity. Measures differ in each region according to their designated coloured zones. Masks are mandatory in all public spaces nationwide.
Film production has resumed with all involved to abide by safety protocols set by ANICA.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, Luxembourg remains under a curfew from 11pm to 6am with restaurants and bars closed till February 21. Gatherings are restricted to 10 individuals with some restricted to 100 in some exceptions. Film production has resumed with all involved to abide by safety protocols.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, Malta has gradually eased restrictions with social distancing measures still in place. Bars are to remain closed till March and public gatherings are limited to 6 individuals only. Masks are mandatory in both indoor and outdoor public spaces. Film production has resumed with all involved to abide by health guidelines as set by the government.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February 13, Monaco remains in a 7pm to 6am curfew in which residents are only allowed to travel out for essential services. Dine-in service in restaurants are permitted with tables limited to 6 diners only. Wearing a face mask is mandatory in indoor public spaces and when onboard public transport.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
Lockdown measures will remain in effect in the Netherlands until at least March 2. A night-time curfew from 9pm to 4.30am is also being enforced. Masks remain mandatory and non-essential businesses such as restaurants have been permitted to reopen at limited capacity.
As of May 29, film production has resumed with all involved to abide by safety protocols. This includes having enough assistance for crowd control, so as to prevent gatherings when filming outdoors.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
On January 29, Norway introduced nationwide restrictions though each local rules differ in local municipals as well. This includes gathering limits of 10 individuals when in private settings and when in indoor spaces. Film production has resumed with all involved to abide by health guidelines as set by the Film Industry Council.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, public transport services continue to operate at 50% capacity to maintain distance between passengers. Masks remain mandatory in all public spaces across Poland. Restaurants, cafes, and bars remain closed with only delivery and takeaway services made available.
As of May 20, film production has resumed with cast and crew to abide by safety rules as set by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. This includes limiting the number of people on set and requiring all cast and crew to wear masks.
Face masks are mandatory in public when one is unable to social distance.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, mainland Portugal is under a state of emergency where residents are only allowed to leave their homes for essential purposes. Local restrictions are also implemented according to the situation in each of Portugal’s municipalities.
Film production has resumed since May with cast and crew to abide by health guidelines and safety protocols as set by the Portugal Film Commission. This includes the proper and regular disinfection of equipment used by cast and crew.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
From February 14, a curfew from 11pm to 5am in which movement within Romania will only be permitted for the following reasons – work, medical reasons, caring responsibilities, and due to schedule fo plane/ transport. Masks are mandatory in public spaces. Film production has resumed with cast and crew to abide by safety guidelines.
This information was up to date as of time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
Restrictions will differ in each of Russia’s local regions according to the developing situation there. It is mandatory to wear gloves and face masks when out in public. Non-essential establishments such as theatres, cinemas, and museums will operate at 50% capacity.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
Spain will be under a nationwide State of Emergency order till May 2021. There are different curfews and restrictions set in place in each region according to the developing situation there. Social gatherings are limited to 6 individuals and masks remain mandatory. Film production in each region is currently dependent on the lifting of State of Emergency restrictions.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
We can offer remote video shoots in a range of other European locations! You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, Sweden’s local region restrictions according to the local situation remains in effect. Public gatherings are restricted to 8 individuals and masks are recommended when onboard public transport.
As of June 3, film production has resumed with all involved to abide by safety production guidelines. This includes keeping the size of the production crew on set to a minimum.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, non-essential services and establishments such as bars and cultural venues are to remain closed till February 28. Businesses and public services have reopened with social distancing measures in place. Film production has resumed with all crew involved to abide by public health protocols.
This information was up to date as of time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, Turkey remains in a nation-wide curfew from 9pm to 5am on weekdays and from 9pm to 5am Monday mornings on weekends. Shopping centres and restaurants will be open from 10am to 8pm though dine-in service is prohibited. Film production has resumed with all to abide by health guidelines and safety protocols.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
On February 22, the United Kingdom began a slow easing of restrictions though England and mainland Scotland remain in lockdown. Local regions in England, Scotland, Wales and, Northern Ireland have different social restrictions according to the area’s Alert Level.
Film production has resumed with all involved to abide by safety guidelines most recently set by the British Film Commission. This includes conducting remote pre-shoot briefings for cast and crew, as well as posting daily digital reminders.
Face coverings are mandatory when onboard public transport.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, shops and restaurants have been permitted to open, subject to strict social distancing guidelines. Indoor dining has been suspended till March 31. Gatherings are limited to five individuals only and masks are mandatory in all public spaces.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, Egypt’s public transportation restrictions remain with services to cease between midnight until 4am. Face masks are mandatory in enclosed public spaces such as government buildings and malls. Film production has resumed with guidelines in place. Under current restrictions, small-scale video production is possible.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, there are no local movement restrictions in Israel. Non-essential services such as theatres and gyms have reopened at certain occupancy limits. Masks are mandatory when outside of homes. Film production has resumed with all involved to abide by safety protocols when filming.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
On February 3, Iran extended its night-time 9pm to 3am curfew. Restrictions differ in each local city according to their coloured zones dependent on the pandemic situation locally. Masks are required in enclosed public spaces.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, Jordan’s daily 10pm to 6am curfew remains in effect. Restaurants and cafes have reopened at limited capacity. Gloves and masks are mandatory when out in public spaces.
Film production has resumed in Jordan with all involved to abide by safety guidelines as issued by The Royal Film Commission. This includes conducting COVID-19 tests, frequently sanitizing props and shared spaces and requiring employees to wear face masks whenever possible as well as assigning a Ministry of Labour accredited health and safety supervisor to monitor procedures.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
On February 24, Kuwait will ban entry to malls, restaurants and cafes with delivery-only service operating till further notice. Public bus services have also reduced their passenger operating capacity to 30% as well. Masks remain mandatory when out in public spaces.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, Lebanon commenced a 24-hour curfew which will last until March 8. Only essential services and establishments are permitted to open during the lockdown. Masks are mandatory when outside of homes and in vehicles.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
Masks remain mandatory in all public places. Most non-essential businesses such as gyms, spas and tourist sites either remain closed or are subject to temporary closure. Public gatherings are not permitted.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
On February 4, Saudi Arabia announced the temporary suspension of dine-in services in restaurants and cafes. Non-essential establishments such as cinemas, gyms, and indoor entertainment centres are to close as well. Masks remain mandatory in public spaces.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
On February 4, Qatar tightened restrictions following a rise in cases. Gathering limits and passenger capacity onboard public transport services have been reduced. Capacity limits in public spaces like malls, restaurants and outdoor swimming pools have also been tightened. Under current restrictions, small-scale video production is possible.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, most shops, restaurants, tourist attractions and religious institutions have reopened with social distancing measures in place.
Film production has resumed with cast and crew encouraged to follow safety guidelines as set by the Abu Dhabi Film Commission. This includes productions limiting entry on set to essential personnel only, as well as having all crew members undergo COVID-19 testing.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, Burkina Faso tightened social restrictions following a rise in cases. Masks remain mandatory throughout the country. Under current restrictions, video production is possible in regions not in a state of emergency.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
Kenya has extended its nationwide curfew from 10pm to 4am till March 12. During this time, all residents are to remain indoors except for essential services workers. Masks remain mandatory in all public spaces. On March 30, 2020, the Kenya Film Commission announced that filming in shoot locations is prohibited.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, social distancing and the wearing of masks remain mandatory in Mauritius. Film production has resumed with all to abide by health guidelines and safety protocols.
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You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, Nigeria has imposed local restrictions which vary according to each local state. Abuja and Lagos’ daily night-time curfew of 12am to 4am remains in effect as well. Face masks are mandatory when in public spaces. Film production has resumed with cast and crew to abide by safety protocols.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, South Africa has imposed Alert Level 3 lockdown restrictions across the country. This restriction includes a curfew from 11pm to 4am. Masks are mandatory in all public spaces. Under Alert Level 3, film production is possible with all involved to abide by safety protocols.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, Uganda’s night-time curfew from 9pm to 6am remains in effect. Use of public and private transport services is now permitted. Masks are mandatory in all public spaces. Gatherings of up to 200 people are allowed provide social distancing measures are taken. Under current guidelines, film production is possible.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, Ghana has continued the phased easing of social restrictions though non-essential services like nightclubs and cinemas remain closed. Masks are mandatory when outside of homes. Under current guidelines, film production is possible.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, social restrictions differ in each local province in Argentina according to their individual stage of recovery. Only essential workers and those in need of medical treatment are permitted to use public transport services. Film production has resumed with all involved to abide by public health protocols.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
Social restrictions vary within each city and are subjected to localized lockdown measures. Masks are mandatory nationwide in public spaces. Film production has resumed with approval occurring on a case-by-case basis.
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You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, most of Chile remains in Stages 2 and 3 of phased easing of restrictions. Under these stages, a 10pm to 5am curfew will be imposed. Face masks are mandatory in all urban areas and onboard public transport. Film production has resumed with all crew involved to abide by public health protocols.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
Colombia has extended its health emergency declaration till February 28, 2021. The country continues the implementation of specific restrictions and measures in cities with local outbreaks. Masks are mandatory when onboard public transport and in public areas. Film production has resumed with each region given the autonomy to regulate this process.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
On January 27, Dominican Republic announced a nationwide curfew from 7pm to 5am on weekdays and 5pm to 5am on weekends. Masks are mandatory in all public spaces. Film production has resumed with all crew involved to abide by public health protocols.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
On December 11, Ecuador extended its National Public Health Emergency for another 90 days. Masks remain mandatory in all public spaces. Each municipal government is now also responsible for determining its own specific restrictions. Film production has resumed with all involved to abide by safety work protocols as set by the relevant authorities.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, local towns in Guatemala are enforcing local restrictions according to the country’s system of health alerts. All businesses and entertainment venues have been permitted to open with distancing measures in place. Masks remain mandatory in all public spaces. Film production is only permitted to resume according to each municipality’s health threat level ranking.
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You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
Peru has extended the State of Emergency till at least February 28. Most local regions fall under the ‘Very High’ and ‘Extreme’ tier of restrictions. Under these tiers, a daily curfew is imposed and non-essential services remain closed. Masks are mandatory when outside of homes. Film production has resumed with all involved to abide by safety protocols.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of February, Mexico continues adjusting restrictions in each local city according to the nation’s implemented traffic light system. Additional measures and restrictions also differ in each city. Film production has resumed with all crew involved to abide by public health protocols.
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As of February, each province has its own social restrictions according to the developing situation there. These generally include the closure of non-essential services and establishments such as bars and theatres in selected provinces. Masks are mandatory when in indoor public spaces. Film production has resumed with all involved to abide by safety health protocols.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
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As of May 22, all businesses are allowed to reopen at full capacity. Residents are to social distance when out in public. Face coverings are also mandatory whenever interacting with non-household members.
As of August 11, there are travel protocols for visitors traveling to Alaska. Travellers arriving at Alaska are to submit a negative Coronavirus PCR test within 72 hours. Video production is possible.
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A safer-at-home order is in place until October 2. Entertainment venues as well as athletic facilities, and educational institutions are allowed to reopen, provided they abide by social distancing guidelines and sanitation rules. Following these guidelines, video production is possible.
As of July 16, it is mandatory to wear either a mask or facial covering. Social distancing measures are also enforced in both private gatherings and when in public.
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On June 15 the second phase of reopening Arkansas began. Social distancing and wearing a mask in public is still strongly encouraged. Non-essential businesses, including video production, can resume operations with sanitation and social distancing policies in place. Under these restrictions, video production is possible.
As of July 20, it is mandatory to wear either a mask or facial covering.
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As of August 10, the state has released guidelines for reopening businesses, after a pause in the state’s reopening plans. Face mask requirements differ in each Arizona city. Film production has resumed and all involved are required to follow safety protocols as set by the Governor.
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As of June 12, TV and film production was permitted to resume subject to public health official approval. Cast and crew involved are required to comply with state health protocols such as workplace social distancing. It is also mandatory to wear either a mask or face covering.
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On June 1, a new executive order was issued to continue some of the safer-at-home restrictions while encouraging residents to spend time outdoors. Film production has resumed with filming permits to be issued by each municipal. Cast and crew are to follow all required safety and health guidelines as well.
As of August 14, the mandatory statewide mask order has been extended.
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On June 17, Connecticut began Phase 2 of reopening. Most non-essential businesses, including video production, resumed operations. Indoor gatherings are limited to 25 people and outdoor gatherings are limited to 100 people.
Travellers from selected states and territories who wish to stay in Connecticut for more than 24 hours are required to undergo quarantine for 14 days. These selected states include Alaska, California, Florida, Nevada, Texas, Utah, and Wisconsin.
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On June 22, Washington D.C. entered Phase Two of reopening. Gatherings are now limited to 50 people and more non-essential businesses are permitted to reopen, at limited capacity. Film production has also resumed, with production firms to submit filming permit applications for approval.
As of July 24, face mask requirements were expanded.
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On June 15, Delaware entered Phase 2 of reopening. Outdoor gatherings are limited to 250 people with at least 30 square feet of space per person. As of August 28, film production has not been allowed to resume.
When in public, citizens must wear cloth face coverings. Moreover, all individuals should maintain a 6 feet distance between one another. Under these restrictions, video production is possible.
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As of June 5, 64 out of 67 counties in Florida have entered Phase 2 of reopening, in which most non-essential businesses can reopen. Gatherings over 10 people are not recommended. Film production has been allowed since April 30.
Film Florida has outlined a series of recommendations to ensure clean and healthy sets. These include maintaining frequent sanitation on set. Businesses must ensure that gloves and masks are provided and worn at all times as well as limiting the people on set to essential personnel only.
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On June 16, most restrictions were lifted state-wide. Gatherings of over 50 people remain prohibited unless there is a 6 feet distance between each individual. Film production has resumed with guidelines and social distancing measures in place.
These include mandatory and frequent hand washing, frequent sanitation of equipment and shared spaces, and limiting the people on set to essential personnel only.
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As of August 11, all inter-island travelers are to undergo mandatory quarantine, except for those arriving at Oahu. On June 5, TV and film production was permitted to resume, with new safety protocols and requirements.
Starting from September 1, visitors are able to forgo quarantine if they provide a negative Coronavirus PCR test within 72 hours of arriving at the island.
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As of June 12, businesses can operate at full capacity with social distancing and sanitation policies in place. Film production has resumed in Iowa, with cast and crew to abide by safe distancing measures and proper hygiene practices.
There are currently no restrictions on the size of production crews involved. However, the state does require cast and crew to socially distance from one another. It is also encouraged to stagger on set schedules to limit interaction and congestion.
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As of August 7, Idaho remains in its fourth stage of reopening. All businesses are allowed to reopen and gatherings of over 50 people are allowed with social distancing. Under these guidelines, video production is possible. Employers are still directed to encourage telework where possible.
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As of June 3, most non-essential businesses can reopen with limited capacity. Residents are still required to practice social distancing and wear face coverings in public. Under these guidelines, video production is possible.
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As of August 17, Illinois remains in its fourth and final stage of reopening. Residents are required to wear face masks in public and practice social distancing. As of June 22, film production has resumed with no more than 50 people present at filming locations.
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You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of July 27, Kansas remains in its third phase of reopening. Non-essential businesses can reopen with social distancing. Gatherings of more than 15 people are prohibited if social distancing isn’t possible. Film production has resumed with all involved to abide by Kansas City Film Office’s recommended safety guidelines.
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Non-essential businesses are permitted to reopen provided they follow 10 rules, including wearing face masks, providing hand sanitizer, and conducting onsite temperature and health checks. Gatherings are limited to 10 people. As of August 7, the Kentucky Film Office has not yet released guidelines regarding film production in Kentucky. However, photography businesses have reopened so the resumption of video production remains possible.
As of 6 August, the state’s mandate on mask-wearing was extended.
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As of August 4, Louisiana remains in its second phase of reopening. Indoor gatherings are limited to 50 people. On August 3, safety guidelines regarding motion picture production in the state were announced.
Wearing either a mask or face covering is required.
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As of August 7, Massachusetts remains in its third phase of reopening. Indoor gatherings are limited to 25 people, if in a single enclosed space. TV and streaming production has resumed, subject to authorization.
As of May 6, wearing a face mask is required if one is unable to socially distance when in public.
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You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
On July 3, Maryland entered its second phase of reopening. TV and film production has resumed, with cast and crew to abide by safety best practices and following CDC and OSHA guidelines.
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On July 1, Maine entered its third phase of reopening. Production filming has also resumed with all involved required to follow COVID-19 guidelines.
Masks are required when in public settings, which include restaurants and retail shops.
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You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of June 30, Michigan remains in Phase 4 of its MI Safe Start plan. As of July 29, indoor gatherings are reduced to a limit of 10 people, and bars are once again closed for indoor service.
Face coverings are required when in both indoor and outdoor public spaces.
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On June 10, Minnesota entered its third phase of reopening in which businesses are required to have a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan in place. The plan must outline the social distancing, sanitation/cleaning procedures, and ventilation protocols the business has established to allow a safe reopening. Indoor gatherings are limited to 10 people and outdoor gatherings are limited to 25 people. As of August 28, film production has not yet been allowed to resume.
Facial coverings and social distancing are required in public settings.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
On June 16, Missouri entered the second phase of its recovery plan and has since fully reopened. All social distancing restrictions were also removed. Film production has resumed with all involved to abide by the Kansas City Film Office’s recommended safety guidelines.
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You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of July 1, Mississippi has paused its plans for reopening. Indoor gatherings are limited to 10 people and outdoor gatherings are limited to 20 people while following social distancing measures. Film production has resumed with cast and crew strongly encouraged to abide by suggested health guidelines.
On August 4, a statewide mask mandate was announced.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
On June 1, Montana entered its second phase of reopening. All businesses are allowed to reopen with social distancing and operational capacity measures put in place. Film production has resumed with all involved required to follow social distancing measures and CDC health practices.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
North Carolina will remain in Safer at home: Phase 2 restrictions till at least September 11. Indoor gatherings are limited to 10 people and outdoor gatherings are limited to 25 people. Film production has resumed with all involved strongly encouraged to follow safety guidelines
Facial coverings are required in both indoor and outdoor public spaces.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of May 15, North Dakota commenced its ND Smart Restart Plan. No stay-at-home order or restriction on gatherings has been issued. Non-essential businesses are allowed to reopen with social distancing measures as a requirement. Film production has resumed and is subjected to statewide guidelines.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
On June 29, Nebraska entered its third phase of reopening. Following this, several counties have progressed to the fourth and final phase of reopening. Film production continues in Nebraska with all involved encouraged to abide by state production guidelines.
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As of August 22, all restaurants are allowed to operate at full capacity, provided that social distancing measures remain in place. As of August 28, the New Hampshire Film Bureau has yet to announce production guidelines in response to the Coronavirus.
Wearing face coverings is encouraged, but mandated in selected communities.
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You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of August 4, New Jersey remains in the second phase of its reopening plans. Indoor gatherings are limited to 25 people. Film production has resumed with cast and crew encouraged to follow social distancing and health guidelines.
Wearing either a face mask or face covering is required.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
From June 12 New Mexico allowed more non-essential businesses to reopen. Restaurants are now allowed to resume patio seating at 50% capacity. Reopening businesses must adhere to occupancy requirements and strict sanitation requirements. Under these guidelines, video production is possible.
This information was up to date as of time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
On June 25, it was announced that New Mexico will postpone the second phase of its reopening plans. As of August 16, pre-production on film and TV projects has slowly resumed, with film production slated to resume soon.
Face coverings are required when in public spaces.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
On July 20, all of New York entered Phase 4 of its reopening plans. Film production has resumed whereby cast and crew are to abide by a set of media production guidelines.
Residents are required to wear a face covering when outside their homes and on board public transport.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of June 19, most non-essential businesses have been permitted to reopen. Businesses are strongly encouraged to take additional steps to ensure sanitation and social distancing standards are met. Gatherings are limited to 10 people.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
On June 1, Oklahoma entered the third and final phase of its reopening plans. Film production has resumed, subjected to permit approval in each jurisdiction.
Face coverings are required when in public spaces, both indoors and outdoors.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of August 27, most of the state remains in Phase 2 of reopening. Indoor gatherings are limited to 10 people and wearing a face covering is required. On May 11, film production has resumed with strict production guidelines and health protocols in place.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of July 3, all Pennslyvania counties are in the green phase of reopening. Indoor gatherings are limited to 25 people and outdoor gatherings are limited to 250 people. Restaurants and bars are open at 25% capacity for indoor dining. As of August 28, the Pennsylvania Film Office has yet to announce production guidelines in response to the Coronavirus.
Masks are required in public spaces.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
On August 20, it was announced that Puerto Rico will be under a 24-hour lockdown every Sunday. A 10pm to 5am curfew is in place from Monday to Saturday.
Face masks are mandatory and most non-essential businesses remain closed.
This information was up to date as of time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
Phase 3 of Rhode Island’s reopening plans has been extended till August 28 and is likely to be extended further. Social gatherings are limited to 15 people. Most non-essential businesses have reopened with social distancing measures in place. Film production has resumed whereby production firms are to apply for a filming permit first.
Protective masks must be worn in public.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of August 3, most non-essential businesses have reopened. Dine-in service at restaurants as well as entertainment venues are to operate at 50% capacity. Every production is to submit an approved set of social distancing and safety protocols before film production can resume.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of April 28, South Dakota commenced its ‘Back to Normal’ plan. Non-essential businesses can reopen if they follow sanitation and social distancing rules. There is no statewide directive restricting public gatherings. Film production has resumed and is permissible on a case-by-case basis. All crew and cast are to abide by CDC safety guidelines as well.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
On August 17, Nashville entered a modified Phase 2 of its reopening plans. Gatherings are limited to 25 people. Restaurants are open at 50% capacity for indoor dining. Film production has resumed with all to abide by the state’s public health orders as well as CDC and OSHA guidelines.
Face masks are mandatory in public spaces.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of August 17, Texas remains in Phase 3 of its reopening plans in which gatherings are limited to 10 people. On June 3, film production resumed with all involved to abide by state-issued health protocols.
All residents are required to wear either a face mask or face covering.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of August 24, most Utah counties are in the yellow low-risk phase. Gatherings are limited to 50 people and social distancing is to be maintained in public settings. Film production is allowed to resume subject to the local health department’s approval.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
Virginia remains at phase 3 of its reopening plans, which commenced on July 1. Non-essential businesses are allowed to reopen and are to follow social distancing and sanitation requirements. Film production has resumed with all involved to follow safety and health protocols set by the state.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
The COVID-19 State of Emergency has been extended till September 15 in Vermont. Travellers from selected states arriving in Vermont are required to undergo quarantine for 14 days. Some of these selected states include Florida, California, Texas, New Mexico, Iowa and Washington.
Residents are required to wear face masks if they are unable to socially distance in public.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
As of August 26, the majority of Washington counties are in Phase 3 of reopening. Gatherings are limited to 10 people. Film production has resumed and all involved are to follow mandatory safety on set protocols as issued by the Governor.
Wearing a face covering is required in public spaces.
This information was up to date as of time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
Due to the Wisconsin Supreme Court order, statewide closures have been lifted and the stay-home order is no longer in effect. As of August 1, residents are required to wear face coverings indoors and outdoors.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
Most businesses have resumed operations with sanitation and social distancing practices in place. Gatherings are limited to 25 people. As of August 28, the West Virginia Film Office has yet to announce production guidelines in response to the Coronavirus.
Residents are required to wear face coverings when indoors and outdoors.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
Wyoming’s state-issued existing health orders have been extended till August 31. These include limiting indoor gatherings to 250 people, provided social distancing, and increased sanitation measures are upheld. As of August 28, the Wyoming Film Office has yet to announce production guidelines in response to the Coronavirus.
This information was up to date as of the time of publishing. Check out our video production locations map for the latest info.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.
The release of our new interactive video production map is in addition to the recent update of safe video production standards at all of our video productions.
Adhering to hygienic and social distancing measures at every video production is extremely important to us, ensuing that everyone involved in the shoot can stay safe and healthy while creating video content.
In addition, we have created solutions such as Safe Video Shoot and Creator Home Studio Shoot, with additional requirements that best suits your needs that you can now easily browse and purchase video production packages from our online video creation marketplace.
Finally, many of you have asked us, what content can I still produce? Some of the popular video production solutions amongst brands include live streams, webinars, animation, repurposing video content, remote video shoots, and podcasts. You can read more about these in our blog post “How can you adapt your content creation strategy during Coronavirus?”
As always, you have the ability to remotely create video anywhere in the world with 90 Seconds. We’re here to support you, local video creators, small businesses, and communities to keep the world in motion.
You may browse and purchase video production packages in our video creation marketplace or chat with us so we can put together a full video content plan for you.