The case for Case Study videos

Table of content
  1. Introduction
  2. How Paypal & Cisco showcased solutions with authentic interviews
  3. How Amazon inspired with success stories
  4. How Spidertracks Illustrated their Innovation
  5. How will you bring your Case Study video to life?
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90 Seconds
5 years ago・4 min read

At 90 Seconds, we partner with brands to produce compelling case study videos every day to help them achieve their business goals. Brands face the daunting challenge of establishing why they are needed in the market. It is one of the hottest kinds of video content now to show and tell prospective customers how you can solve their problems with your products or services.

How Paypal & Cisco showcased solutions with authentic interviews

Firstly, case studies can include simple product benefit videos or multi-person testimonials. By using stories told by real customers, you create engaging content that resonates with your audience. 

Interview video footage not only can tell a story with authenticity but also prove your company’s credibility, ultimately nudging your audience to take action.

For Paypal, we created a series of videos depicting small business owners who overcame challenges to achieve growth.

For Cisco, we shot video at Brisbane airport after a successful network upgrade. We interviewed the airport staff for added credibility.

Both brands are authentic in their own way. In the interviews, they depict actual customers who went through the challenges and genuine satisfaction.

Tip: Cast actual customers for authenticity – Know who your audience is. Let them lead in your video. Watching someone else who has shared their pain creates a connection with your audience!

How Amazon inspired with success stories

Great case studies also rely on great storytelling. They are proof that not only can your brand offer a solution, but that you have solved this problem before. This proof is the cornerstone of your case study video.

Video is a unique medium. Through videos, you can take advantage of using visuals, music, and words to connect deeply with your audience.

For Amazon, we created a case study video showcasing the success of a small-business owner using Amazon Global Selling. The video is shot on location and in the entrepreneur’s workshop. Hence, it is punctuated by scenes of local life as well as interview footage. The journey told of success from planning the business to international sales makes the story believable and inspirational for others.

Tip: Make sure you clearly showcase your winning strategy and feature your brand’s successful solution. For interview footage, ask them to describe in their own words how you have helped solve their problem.

How Spidertracks Illustrated their Innovation

Case studies are also a great way to illustrate and showcase brand innovation. This is especially true in the realm of technological innovation and how that translates into real-life. The best way to capture those ideas is to show it in video content.

For Spidertracks, we created an epic case study video illustrating the application of their technology in the aviation industry.

Dynamic landscape footage was used to punctuate interview footage. This was the perfect way to illustrate the brand’s dedication to making aviation a safer place to operate. The effect was to bring their technology to life. This is in a way only possible in videos and to humanize the story.

Tip: Video is a natural way to illustrate complex or intangible ideas. Don’t be afraid to brief those ideas and bring them to life!

How will you bring your Case Study video to life?

As illustrated, we’ve successfully created hundreds of case study videos. They can involve anything from simple interviews to shoots in multiple-locations or inaccessible areas.

We’ve also distilled all that expertise down into the basic elements which make the backbone of our Curated Marketplace.

The simple browse-and-purchase experience means that for your next case-study videos, all you need is your idea and some inspirational videos to share. And you just let all the video production fall into place on our platform.

We have over 12,000 creators in more than 900+ cities in the world and producers ensuring that your video creations will be a success.