How to use our Content App

Written by 90 Seconds
Last updated: June 24, 2024


Welcome to our Content App! This guide will show you how to access, use, and navigate through the app to manage your content efficiently. Each section provides step-by-step instructions with visual aids for better understanding.

Accessing the Content App

Step 1: Start Video

  • Begin your journey by clicking on the 90 logo to access the main dashboard.

Step 2: Open the Content App

  • On the main project page, locate the “Review video” button.
  • Click on the “Review video” button to open the Content App.

Uploading a Video

Step 1: Navigate to the Upload Section

  • Once inside the Content App, find the upload section on the main interface.
  • Look for a button or an area labeled “Upload Video.”

Step 2: Select Your Video File

  • Click the “Upload Video” button.
  • A file explorer window will appear. Browse and select the video file you wish to upload.
  • Click “Open” to start the upload process.

Step 3: Confirm Upload

  • The video will begin uploading. A progress bar will display the upload status.
  • Once the upload is complete, a confirmation message will appear indicating that the video is successfully uploaded.

Providing Timecoded Feedback

Step 1: Watch the Video

  • Play the video within the Content App’s native player.
  • Use the playback controls to navigate through the video.

Step 2: Pause and Add Feedback

  • At any point, pause the video to add feedback.
  • Click on the “Add Feedback” button or the designated area for comments.

Step 3: Insert Timestamped Comments

  • Type your feedback in the comment box.
  • The app will automatically timestamp your comment to the current frame of the video.
  • Click “Submit” to add your feedback.

Step 4: Viewing Feedback

  • All feedback comments will appear along the video timeline.
  • Users can click on any comment to jump directly to the relevant frame.
  • For multiple decision-makers, each piece of feedback will be displayed with the respective timestamps.

Status Selection

Step 1: Change Video Status

  • Use the status selection dropdown to update the status of the video.

In Review:

  • Select “In Review” to indicate that the brand is currently reviewing the video.
  • Example Comment: “Thanks for this, we are reviewing and will provide feedback asap!”

Needs Revision:

  • Select “Needs Revision” after all feedback has been shared.
  • Example Comment: “Thanks for your patience, all the feedback has now been shared. Please revise the edit.”


  • Select “Approved” to indicate that the brand is happy with the video.
  • Example Comment: “This is approved! Great job.”

Version Control

Step 1: Access Versions

  • Click on the V[number] next to the video title to see all available versions.

Step 2: Select a Version

  • A list of versions will appear, showing the date of each upload, the number of versions, and the status of each video.
  • Example: Show 3 versions. Version 3 is approved, while versions 1 & 2 need revisions.

External Sharing

Step 1: Enable External Sharing

  • Click on the sharing button to open the external sharing menu.
  • Toggle the sharing option to “On” to generate a shareable link.

Step 2: Copy the Link

  • Copy the link provided for external sharing.
  • Note: The external video page is view-only and does not allow feedback, ensuring full control remains with the project’s decision-makers.

Downloading the Final Video

Step 1: Download the Video

  • After the video is approved, click the “Download Video” button.
  • The final video will be downloaded to your device.

Thank you for using our Content App! This guide aims to help you navigate and utilize the app’s features effectively. For any additional support, please contact our helpdesk. Happy creating!