Send us a brief
90 Seconds

Welcome to 90 Seconds

Submit your video brief and let 90 Seconds bring your vision to life. Answer these questions to get started on your next video project.


What’s your project’s name?

  • Auckland corporate event
  • Animation video for social media
  • Corporate event highlights

What kind of video do you want?

Tip: Ideally we require at least one content type. But you can select multiple content types which will convert your project into a ‘solution’. Feel free to go wild!

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Not sure what are content types? Feel free to skip this step


How many videos do you need?

  • 3x 2-3 minute videos
  • 6x 30-second cutdowns for social channels
  • 1x 3 minute video

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Do you have your own footage?

Tip: If you already have footage for your next video project, let us know! We'll assume a video shoot won't be necessary and focus on enhancing your existing content.

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Do you want to shoot new footage?

Tip: Need new footage for your video project? Indicate your preference, and we'll schedule a video shoot to capture exactly what you need.

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Where do you want to shoot new footage?

Tip: Have a specific location in mind for your video shoot? Share the details with us so we can plan accordingly and make your vision a reality.

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Do you require music?

Tip: Need music for your video project? Let us know your preferences, and we’ll help you find the perfect soundtrack to enhance your content.

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Do you require a voice-over?

Tip: Considering a voice-over for your video project? Let us know, and we’ll arrange professional voice-over services to bring your script to life.

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Do you require subtitles?

Tip: Need subtitles for your video? Let us know, and we’ll add them to ensure your content is accessible to a wider audience.

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When do you need your video by?

Tip: Have a deadline for your video project? Share your timeline with us, and we’ll work to deliver your video by the date you need.

Is there anything else you want to tell us?

Tip: Any additional details or special requests? Let us know so we can ensure every aspect of your video project meets your expectations.

Before we finish, we need your information to we can reach out to you.

Please enter your work email address.

Tip: Providing us with your work email address and your location will let us put you in touch our most suitable team member in your timezone.
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