eコマースと技術革新の世界的リーダーであるアマゾンは、ビジュアルコンテンツの力強い物語性を信じている。2017年以来、90 Seconds とのパートナーシップは、彼らのビジョン、価値観、ベンチャーを世界と共有する方法を再構築した。
Amazon’s vast reach, both in terms of services and geography, requires diverse content that speaks to different audiences while maintaining the brand’s global ethos. Their aim was to chronicle the myriad facets of their journey, from customer success stories to partner marketing initiatives, with video content that resonates.
Amazon sought to produce a plethora of content – Case Studies that dissect success, Customer Stories that connect, events that showcase milestones, Partner Marketing collaborations, nuanced Internal and External Communications, and rich Graphics and Animation, all wrapped up in engaging Interviews.
Amazon’s vast footprint across continents meant engaging audiences from 32 countries and 57 cities. This necessitated understanding varied cultural contexts, while ensuring Amazon’s universal brand message remains undiluted.
Harnessing the power of their global network and expertise:
– 90 Seconds produced an impressive cache of over 540 videos that delve into the multifaceted world of Amazon.
– These narratives spanned a vast geographical canvas, from the bustling markets of India and Thailand to the tech hubs of the United States and Germany, and from the rich heritage of the United Kingdom and France to the vibrant dynamism of Singapore and Malaysia.
– Each piece, be it Graphic, Animation, or Interview, was tailored to cater to specific audience insights while echoing Amazon’s overarching narrative.
他のブランドが90 Seconds でどのような成功を収めたかをご覧ください。